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This dream is lightly editorialized to make it readable. The order is not exact, and some minor tangents were removed, but nothing was added. It all really happened to the extent that memories of dreams really exist.

Act 1: Classroom

An english classroom with a teacher I don't recognize
No one has done the work, a long worksheet like 8 pages double-sided
Mostly filling in the correct word, like elementary or second language work, though everyone is around my age
I don't get that far when it's due, but someone tells me that you only have to do part of it so she knows you put in effort
I feel sad because the teacher is quietly disappointed that no one cares about her class
It's the next day (nothing happened in between)
Everyone has superpowers, as they always did
I throw a ball across the room and make the teacher sad again :(


Someone uses their superpowers and fucks something up
Starts a chain reaction of people using their powers to fix the first fuck up (the old lady who swallowed a fly type thing but closer to 99 luftballoons)
One girl has a core of uranium like a rose in glass in her navel
Her powers start killing everyone, so another girl with cosmic radiation powers emits a sort of EMP making light ripple around her (she has like the sick "I'm made of stars" type look that would've been really cool if everyone wasn't dying)
This knocks something out of place in the uranium core making it unstable
I'm the only one who knows, or everyone else is pretending they don't
Class continues, but I leave in guilt because the ball I threw started it all

Act 2: Apartments

As I walk out, I wonder around campus
Looks more like SMU or UT than SCU
People are preparing for a parade
Parents from out of town are asking other students for directions to hotels and restaurants
I think there's a big football game or something later
I wander through random buildings in the parts of campus that i've never been to, eventually getting lost
As I'm walking back, I'm explaining to someone the ineffectiveness of the Texas legislature, that their labor laws and infrastructure planning made everything terrible because more cars less trains :(
The streets I walk on are empty (aforementioned infrastructure), and I come to my dorm which looks more like my sister's dorm
It might be the same building from a previous dream, the one with the pulley that travels between all the rooms vertically
I get back to my room and do work while looking out the window
I see Maya run into Bryce at a street corner, but he's wearing headphones so she shouts his name loud enough that I can hear it
I walk down to met them, make it look like a coincidence
Maya and I go to get lunch
Idk where Bryce went
I get some curry and rice, but as Maya and I are walking back to my room, I drop half of it on the floor
It's basically the scene from Nichijou that I watched last night
I try (and fail) to clean up of the floor
There are only paper towels, and it's way too much to pick up without a full broom and dustpan
People stop and judge me


I wonder around the Austin style apartments looking for mine
I walk into the wrong one but I hop in the elevator anyways
It's more of a hotel than an apartment
A man dressed like a waiter pushes the button for the 4th floor
The elevator has doors on both sides
The waiter gets mad at me for blocking the back door of the elevator, the one going to the kitchen
I get out of his way and push the button for the third floor
It step out into a really nice bar, all lacquered wood with a iron-banistered curved staircase leading down to a lounge
There's a big old man with a walrus mustache in a brown corduroy suit
He knows I'm in the wrong place
He greets me like an old friend, and I respond in kind


I'm in a hotel where Bryce and I got a room (platonic)
My dad walks in and it feels like an intrusion
He sees he doesn't belong and leaves
I spend the night there
The next morning I wake up alone
My roommates ask where I was

Act 3: The Children's Parade

As I walk out of the hotel, the parade from earlier is about to begin
I boy about ten talks to me like an acquaintance
He asks if I curl my hair, and I told him it was just bed head
He has waist length platinum blond hair with a purple tint
The parade begins
I run clumsily as to not get in the way of the marching band
Eventually I nestle into the crowd
As the trumpets and dancers pass by, the world changes its hue. Blue-grey clouds turn green and orange before everything loses saturation. In the distance, above all the buildings, a mushroom sprouts, a pale green enoki of fire and smoke. The rose in glass shattered, as I always knew it would. I fall to my knees, choking on tears that wouldn't come. Half trampled by the frantic crowd, I begin to grieve what had long been lost.


I chase the man with the walrus mustache down the streets laid out for the parade
He disappears into a group of veterans setting up large green and brown camping tents
As I look for him in the crowd, a knock over a woman's half built tent
"Hey watch it!"
I turn back to see a southern woman in her forties resting on a crutch, a trophy from Afghanistan
Helping her set up the tent are two girls, around 7 and 12
I try to apologize, or at least make an excuse for my hurry before I find I have none
The man is long gone
I offer to help rebuild the tent, which they accept
As we work together, I talk to the woman and her girls
The woman is raising the girls alone, though they aren't hers by blood
"What's your name?" I ask the younger one
"Alice Ma-" she mumbles, looking to the ground
"Sorry I didn't hear your last name"
"She said 'Magical'" the older girl cuts in "She chose it herself"
Her tone betrays her age, much too mature
I get the sense that she takes care of Alice as much as their mother does
"Alice Magical. What a beautiful name." I tell her with a soft smile
"You know, I got to chose my name too"


A beach
Alice is playing in the sand, building castles and giggling